
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Come visit me in the art room this Thursday, November 14 to see first hand what we are learning in Art Class!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Anti-Bullying Poster Contest

Friends Do Make a Difference

Create a poster that incorporates your experience and understanding of bullying and anti-bullying.  Your poster should help tell your story and share your hopes.  When you submit your artwork, write a brief statement about what your poster means to you.

Posters are due November 1.

Monday, September 2, 2019

2019-2020 School Year!!

Welcome back to PS 150!! If you are new to my web page, I hope you find it a useful resource.  Click on the grade level links to see current projects!! Look on the Resources page to find other websites to explore and museum information.  I hope that you will visit the page frequently and find it useful!  If you have any questions, please reach out to me at

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Art Expo 2019

Here is a look back at our annual Art Expo: Art, Put Your Heart Into It!!!

Teachers enjoy touring the exhibit with their students.  They take photos of them with their artworks and discuss works with grade level critiques.

5th grade students treat the evening Art Expo visitors to passed hors d oeuvres courtesy of our fabulous PTA!!


Students collaborated on a heart themed artwork to express their love of art.

Several students surprised me with flowers!!  What a lucky teacher I am to have such thoughtful and wonderful students and parents!!!

Mr. Pagano, our drama teacher, was one of the lucky winners of a Kandinsky inspired first grade class painting.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Who is that in the art room?

You may have noticed or heard about some new teachers who have been in the art classroom with Mrs. Wine this winter.  

Ms. Vivian is currently co-teaching with Mrs. Wine as she works to complete her degree at City College.  She is taking over primary teaching roles for grades 1 - 3.  In addition, she has started a book making club (seen above) with some 5th grade students who have eagerly agreed to work during their recess time on this project. Ms. Vivian will be working with our students through Spring Break.

Ms. Ginya was with Mrs. Wine during the month of January.  She is a college student from Williams College in northwest Massachusetts. Ms. Ginya was in NYC for the month of January with a group of students from her school who were exploring what it was like to teach in an urban setting. She is seen above working with kindergarten students in a painting station during our unit of the Element of Color.

Mrs. Wine feels fortunate to share her classroom with enthusiastic young artists such as Ms. Vivian and Ms. Ginya!!